
Administrasi sekolah sd
Administrasi sekolah sd

administrasi sekolah sd administrasi sekolah sd

The spread of the COVID-19 outbreak is predicted to continue until April, so it is impossible for us to force students to gather to carry out the National Examination in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia. The policy for eliminating the 2020 UN is starting from schools and madrasas at the elementary (SD/MI), junior high (SMP/MTS) and upper secondary (MA/SMA) levels. The government has officially determined that all 2020 National Examinations (UN 2020) will be abolished. The implementation of the 2020 UN starting from schools and madrasas at the elementary (SD/MI), junior high (SMP/MTS) and upper secondary (MA/SMA) levels has been officially canceled due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. The UN was abolished because of COVID-19, it needed a passing standard, the Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim overhauled the textbooks in schools and released a Learning Program broadcast by TVRI. Equitable access and quality of education need to be accompanied by other initiatives by local governments, such as redistribution of teachers to schools that lack teachers. The Minister of Education and Culture hopes that the regional and central governments can move together in equalizing access and quality of education in Indonesia.

Administrasi sekolah sd